Answered By:
Last Updated: Aug 08, 2023     Views: 114

You can plan your visit by checking library hours, parking lot locations, and learn about borrowing privileges here.

We ask all patrons to sign in at the turnstile (for Emory Card holders) and the sign-in station (for community visitors).

Visitors can use any of our print resources (reference, periodicals, and circulating stacks) in house-- you can then scan as much as you like to your email or to a flash drive. Print cards are available for purchase upon request at the Circulation Desk. Emory University maintains a wifi network for guests. Instructions for guest access can be found here.

Patrons who want to check out books can purchase a 6 month or 1 year account and information about that can be found at the Community Subscribers tab.

We hope to see you at Pitts sometime soon! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions!